"Keturi Metų Laikai" (en. Four Seasons) is the most time-honoured café in Kaunas' heart and one of its most distinctive gems. With 28 years of navigating through crises and shifting eras, it emanates a singular aura, boasting an authentic interior alongside delectable, high-quality cuisine.

We extend an invitation to savour an array of beverages within an authentic bar setting, whether to rally for your treasured sports team or engage in a serene conversation over a glass of wine with a colleague.

Delight in the camaraderie of friends, relish European delicacies and bask in the Four Seasons Café courtyard's ambience. Feel free to visit without hesitation!

Unearth the allure of "Keturi Metų Laikai" café within its inviting courtyard, located at A. Mickevičiaus 40B, Kaunas.